Sway Tests
The Sway platform contains over 40 different tests spanning across balance, cognition, function, and surveys.


The Modified BESS includes 5 balance stances, all performed with eyes closed on a flat surface.
The Modified CTSIB includes 4 balance stances. Feet Together with Eyes Open, Feet Together with Eyes Closed, Feet Together with Eyes Open on Foam, and Feet Together with Eyes Closed on Foam.

CDC 4-Stage Balance
The CDC 4-Stage Protocol includes 4 balance stances all performed with eyes open. Feet Together, Semi-Tandem, Tandem, and dominant Single Leg.
25 Individual Stances


Inspection Time
A measure of visual processing speed. Two T-shaped lines are presented, one twice as long as the other, for a short duration of time before they are masked. The user is asked to identify which line was longer. The duration of time before the lines are masked is reduced as the user correctly identifies which line is longer.

Reaction Time
A measure of basic sensory processing and neuromotor response speed, this test measures an individual's ability to detect a change in color of the screen and quickly initiate a movement of the device. Simple reaction time is the amount of time it takes to complete the task.

Impulse Control
Quantifies inhibitory processing time by presenting the user with either a go stimulus requiring a motion response, or a no-go stimulus response requiring no motion response.
A measure of working memory, the delayed recall test presents the user with a sequence of three consonants. The user will then be asked to complete a working memory task by tracking a sequence of lighted squares. Once complete with working memory, the user will be asked to recall the original three letter sequence.
Reverse Number Counting
A measure of executive function, the reverse number counting test presents the user with the numbers one through twenty in a four-by-five grid. The user is asked to work backwards through the numbers by clicking on each one as fast as possible.

Cued Stroop
A measure of executive function, the Cued Stroop test presents the user with a sequence of congruent, neutral, and incongruent color-word tasks. The user is asked to choose the square that corresponds to the cue instructions and stimulus.

CDC 30-Second Chair Stand
A common test in quantifying risk of fall, the CDC 30-Second Chair Stand counts the number of repetitions a patient can perform in 30 seconds.

The severity of 22 standard symptoms that are scored on a 6-point Likert Scale. The 22 symptoms are broken up into 4 categories - Physical, Cognitive, Sleep-Arousal, and Emotional.

On-Field Assessment
A combination of 5 surveys: Red Flags, Observable Signs, Memory Assessment Maddocks Questions, Glasgow Coma Scale, and the Cervical Spine Assessment.

The Sway mobile app includes animated instructions of each test within VOMS and includes the 14-point target and a metronome, meaning the only other equipment required to administer VOMS is a tape measure for convergence.

The PHQ-9 is a brief, administered questionnaire that assess depression symptoms. There are 9 questions, 9 questions directly assessing symptoms of depression and 1 question that assesses how any depressive symptoms have been impacting the patient's ability to function.

The Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) is a seven-item instrument that is used to measure or assess the severity of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Each item asks the individual to rate the severity of his or her symptoms over the past two weeks. Response options include “not at all”, “several days”, “more than half the days” and “nearly every day”.

A survey based on the 11 CDC published COVID symptoms with a temperature input at the end.

Sleep Survey
All Sports+ and Clinical subscriptions now have access to our recently released 5 question sleep survey. This sleep survey is referenced in the 2023 Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement to better monitor your patient's and athlete's quality of sleep.